The return of an old friend~
Saturday, January 19, 2013 • 3:48 AM • 1 comments Assalamualaikum~
So, today I got my PC back...Yay!.
Welcome back my friend~~
I missed you old buddy :'(
Now I that I have my PC, I can play lots and lots of game <3
Since I left Eden Eternal for too long, I got bored when trying to continue playing it
So, I have to find a new game to play...uninstalling Eden Eternal later..
That's one of the reasons why games are awesome :D
Last time I posted about going to the driving computerized test..
We had to wait for about 3 HOURS to get a computer...there were only like 15-20 computers and there was a lot of people waiting to to do the same test...
We went at 10.00a.m and was only able to get a spot at around 1.00p.m..
AND it only took about 5 minutes for us to complete the test =.="
Alhamdulilah, all 4 of us passed~~~
I got 49/50, tehee.. >.<
It kinda bugged me though, I kept thinking what was the one question that I got wrong :p
Never mind, the point is that we passed!
Moving on, last Tuesday, attended the 3-hour theory class..
It was pretty boring, and since we came a bit late, we had to seat at the very back of the hall
(it's just a room but since the call it a hall, I'll just go with it XD)
The first half of the class was okay, but the second half.....well
Yep, that's me..
I slept throughout the second half of the class..hehehee
My friends were kinda sleepy as well but they didn't sleep so good for them, I guess?..
After the theory class, we were supposed to go through a 3 hour practical class...
We thought the practical class will be held on some other day..
Just, imagine how shocked we were when we found out that the class was THAT evening..
We were certainly wasn't expecting that..
nervous as hell!!..
We were separated, each of us were taught by different teachers...
That put more pressure on us...
Alhamdulilah, I got a nice, funny teacher..
He didn't get mad at me every time I made a mistake (which was a lot of time)
He made jokes just so that I don't gelabah..
I had fun!
It was pretty hard to drive a manual car, we had to control the clutch and all..
The clutch had to be released slowly, or not the engine will die..
I thought I had released it slow enough, but my engine always die..
LOL... >.<
My teacher said that he'll be making our L driving license soon..
So, we'll probably start our 8-hour classes about this week..
Pray for us~ <3 (macam la ada orang baca blog aku ni nak suruh pray2..hahah)
Every time my parents said that my sister had to learn how to drive an automatic
I'd say "tok leh, tok reti automatic ni, tak dop clutch"
Hari ni makan udang pedas, sedap sangat~~ <3
(tibe2 je kan)
Haha, Spicy prawns are my favourite dish...
That is all for now..bye byeeee :D
Signing off
-Fatini Adlina~<3
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